Automatic Tank Gauges

Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs) and storage monitors

Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs) are suitable to be used with:
  • ULP
  • Diesel
  • AdBlue
  • Hydrocarbons and Chemicals
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  • 7100V AST Flex Probe
    (Available in lengths from 12 to 70 feet / 3.7 to 21 meters) Monitoring of products in aboveground storage tanks is time-consuming, dangerous at times and inaccurate at best. Many AST tank-gauging devices are available, but none have the precision and accuracy of OPW’s SiteSentinel® iSite™. The 7100V Series flexible probe, using OPW’s industry-leading, field-proven magnetostrictive technology, allows greater precision and reliability in measuring AST product levels. This
  • 924B Magnetostrictive Probe
    All stainless-steel construction, highly accurate, easy installation and trouble-free performance for inventory management and in-tank leak detection. The Model 924B Magnetostrictive Probe features standard stainless-steel construction, making it ideally suited for use with gasoline, diesel, ethanol and biodiesel. The 924B probe is certified to meet or exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s performance standards for 0.1 gph (0.38 L/hr) volumetric tank tightness testing and 0.2
  • Density Measurement Sensor
    Whether for a new or existing installation, the Density Measurement Sensor easily installs on the OPW Magnetostrictive Probe. Combining industry-leading accuracy for water, product and density measurement, the SiteSentinel® family Density Measurement Sensor uses a single magnetostrictive in-tank probe assembly. The sensor continuously measures the density of the fuel in the tank, providing a measure of even the smallest changes in product quality within the API density range. Fuel density r
  • Fuelcraft 12V ATG - Diesel
    Fuelcraft 12V Diesel Automatic Tank Gauge Eliminate daily dipping of your storage tank and streamline your refilling process. HARDWARE ► Fuelcraft 12V ATG RELIABLE ► Over 800,000 units fitted provides you with assurance      that the device works. CONSISTENT ► Our experience with installation and commissioning      means you get consistent data linkage. NO WIRES ► Battery powered devices with 6 years plus life.      Uses off the shelf
  • Fuelcraft 12V ATG - Petrol
    Eliminate daily dipping of your storage tank and streamline your refilling process! The Fuelcraft Petrol tank gauging unit will keep track of you petrol volumes remotely on a portal which will streamline your scheduling to ensure you always have fuel. Installation on the tank is simple and the battery operated system will send a dip read once per day, allowing the battery to last up to 10 years.  
  • Fuelcraft LPG ATG 12V
    Keep track of your GAS! The Fuelcraft LPG automatic tank gauging unit will keep track of your gas volumes remotely on a portal which will streamline your scheduling to ensure you always have Gas. Installation on the tank is simple and the battery operated system will send a dip read once per day, making the battery life last up to 10 years.
  • Fuelcraft Smartdip 12V ATG - Diesel
    Fuelcraft Smartdip 12V - Diesel Automatic Tank Gauge Save time and money with automated tank levels viewed online and sent directly to your email or fuel supplier Eliminate daily dipping of your storage tank and streamline your refilling process.   The World’s Easiest Wireless ATG Sick of running out of fuel? Tired of chasing people for up-todate tank levels Automate your tank dips and view your tank levels from anywhere in the world. Even your fuel supplier can have access
  • IntelliSense™ Technology
    Delivers the ability to monitor all areas of the fuel site – tank interstice, piping sumps, STP containment sumps, dispenser sumps / pans and monitoring wells. IntelliSense™ technology allows for interfacing all sensors through a single 3-core cable connection. This proprietary technology is designed so that SiteSentinel® iSite™, Integra 100™ and Integra 500™ tank gauges, regardless of the type or place of installation, will know immediately what type of sensor
  • Piusi Ocio Tank Gauging
    Continuous tank level monitoring. OCIO detects the static pressure generated by the fluid height by means of a tube inserted into the tank and displays the fluid level or volume. The system consists of: • A tube for detecting static pressure: The tube end is inserted from the top of the tank and lowered down into the liquid until it touches the bottom. • A control unit for displaying the level and managing the system. The unit is equipped with an intuitive, complete software and per
  • ProGauge MagLink LX
    The ProGauge MagLink LX is the next generation console that offers flexible and industry standard features and functions. Using a Linux operating system and with the option of wired or wireless probes, the console can manage up to 32 probes. The MagLink LX operates using a web-based server, remote fuel management and connectivity is supported by any web-enabled PC or tablet. The ProGauge tank gauge offers an easy-to-use interface and remote accessibility in a compact console, delivering pre
  • ProGauge Magnetostrictive Level Probes
    ProGauge Magnetostrictive Level probes provide continuous and highly accurate readings of liquids inside of the tank. By transmitting a high frequency electrical impulse that travels at the speed of sound, the advanced technology within the probes is able to measure the time elapsed between the initial sending of the signal and its return to the float, giving an unbeatably accurate fuel reading which is then relayed to the ProGauge console on site or directly to the Point of Sale (POS). Wired o
  • SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ Console
    Provides complete tank monitoring, inventory management and environmental-compliance testing through the incorporation of the latest computer technology, which allows users to view data remotely from anywhere in the world. The SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ has been designed to lower installation costs by reducing the number of wires to the probes and sensors that are connected to its internal I.S. module. In addition, all devices are automatically detected and configured by using the tou
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An automatic tank gauge (ATG) is a critical component for efficiently managing fuel storage tanks. An auto tank gauge offers real-time data on fuel levels, temperature, and water presence in the tank. Liquip Victoria can provide leading-edge electronic tank gauging products and services for petroleum retailer, fleet managers and enthusiasts. ATGs enable businesses to create a system of comprehensive fuel information data that can efficiently handle the details of environmental compliance. Advanced functions like centralised site management, precision inventory reconciliation, and loss prevention analysis provide a higher level of fuel management capabilities, enable greater transparency and due diligence. With our automatic tank gauge system, you can ensure a streamlined and error-free process.

Managing  your fuel storage assets is made easy with Liquip’s range of tank gauging solutions.  The OPW NANO Tank Gauge Package is suitable for static above ground and below ground tanks and features the ability to provide reporting for EPA purposes.  Other ATG brands we carry are Piusi, OCIO, Pro Gauge and more.  All the gauges we offer suit Self Bunded, Single Wall, Fire Rated and round or containerised tanks.

The Fuelcraft 12V Automatic Tank Gauge Package is suitable for above ground tanks up to 4 meters high and are approved to monitor diesel, AdBlue and water.

For truck gauging refer to our Electronic registers and level gauges in Road Tanker Equipment and Parts section.

Need more help?  Contact the Liquip Victoria team for expert advice and assistance with ATG selection and set-up.