SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ Console
Provides complete tank monitoring, inventory management and environmental-compliance testing through the incorporation of the latest computer technology, which allows users to view data remotely from anywhere in the world.
The SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ has been designed to lower installation costs by reducing the number of wires to the probes and sensors that are connected to its internal I.S. module. In addition, all devices are automatically detected and configured by using the touch-screen interface, making it one of the easiest ATG systems in the industry to install, configure and use.
The SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ console has been designed to reliably provide connectivity now and in the future. Available ports include: Ethernet, USB and RS-232 and modem. It is also one of the easiest tank gauges to use, requiring the least amount of training and menu navigation to access critical data.